310 Locust Street
Delavan, IL 61734
The bakery provides an inviting atmosphere to enjoy
fellowship with good food & drinks!
Bakery Hours
Tuesday-Friday 7am-1pm
Saturday 8am-11am
We are closed Sunday & Monday.
The bakery is available to rent for showers, parties, meetings, etc.
Be sure to call to save a date!

Come into the café to check out our specialty drinks and syrup flavors.
We also have seasonal items to check out!
There are hard copies of menus available at the bakery.
Common Ground Bakery is able to operate because of volunteers!
We have a great time serving those in our community and getting to know everyone! We'd love for you to join the fun and sign up to be a volunteer at the register, making drinks, or preparing food!
Click the button above to contact us!

First day of Common Ground Bakery on July 1, 2017!

3 generations of Adair/Bell/Hodges women who volunteer at the bakery!
Donation Jar
Did you know that the money you give in our tip jar is donated out to the community and around the world?? Below is a list of the monthly organizations or events that have benefited from your generosity. Thank you!
January - Building Materials (Common Ground Oven Venting)
February - Office Equipment (Common Ground Computer)
March - Stephen's Ministry (Furniture for Meeting Space)
April - Common Ground 5K Fundraiser
May - Anticipation Acres (Seed & Gardening Supplies)
June - Youth Group (Mission Trip Gas)
July - Family Fun Night (Community Cookout)
August - Backpack/Supply Giveaway
September - Common Ground Block Party
October - Coat Drive
November - Toy Drive (Delavan Optimist Club)
December - Mini Food Pantry (Delavan Baptist Church)
January - General Fund (Facility Expenses)
February - Operation Expenses (Workers Compensation Insurance)
March - Delavan High School Post Prom
April - Anticipation Acres (Seed, Mower, etc.)
May - Stephen's Ministry
June - Youth Group (Mission Trip Gas)
July - Backpack/Supply Giveaway
August - Mom's Closet
September - Common Ground Block Party
October - Coat Drive
November - CIVC (Central Illinois Veterans Commission)
December - Bakery Expenses (General Fund)
January -